My Weekend in Photos - Ever for President + Artopia

I took Ever to the George W. Bush Presidential Library on the SMU campus for one reason: They have an Oval Office and he NEEDS his picture, in a little suit, at the President's desk. 
Mission accomplished. 

As you can see in this last photo, sometimes my hair gets in the photo frame. 

Artopia was pretty awesome too! Dallas Observer did a fantastic job putting this event together! I loved seeing all the live paintings going on around me, and sampling all the food and beverages too was quite awesome! 

Sunday I ended up at IKEA with JA 

I just kept going back to 500 Days of Summer in my head. You know how they go to IKEA on this weird date and play house and lay on the beds and just have a blast? 
I HATE that movie.

And then I ended the weekend with my roommates getting more ink! 

Weekend Recap Friday-Sunday
Total days in Fort Worth: 1
Total days in Dallas: 2