Meet Ups
I love people. But I don't like meeting new people and I HATE small talk. Therefore, I can often come across very awkwardly or even rude when first meeting someone.
So to combat this, I have pushed myself this year to try new things and to try and meet new people.
Today, I pushed aside fear and pride to gear up and head to an InstaMeet in Fort Worth. I got the chance to meet interesting people and hear about their lives and stories while enjoying coffee, donuts and the sunrise before it got bloody hot out. The time was so incredibly well spent!
There are so many fantastic people out in my community that I just won't get to meet if I keep to myself or avoid things because I am scared or "bad" at meeting people.
I would encourage you to take the time to do what scares you. The results might suck. But they can also lead to many wonderful memories and new friendships. Live with no regrets about what you could and should have done.
The Meet Up crew for the day
"I'm still standing"
Window effects on point